Sunday, August 24, 2008

Chemo Never Gets Easier

So I did start chemo again on August 11th and you would think after all of the chemo that it might get easier but it doesn't. I have treatment once a week on Monday and then after three in a row I get a week off. I did pretty good with my first round. I felt a little nauseous but never threw up. I was tired that week but took naps when Boston did. Week two didn't go as well. I wasn't even sure they were going to give me chemo because my blood counts were low to begin with. After waiting FOREVER they decided to give me chemo. I ended up sick and throwing up. I was beyond tired and spent Tuesday also at the hospital. I got a shot, received 20 minutes of medication to help my nausia and two units of blood. On Wednesday and Thursday I gave myself shots to boost my white blood cells and had a bad reaction. I have had the shots before but it has been close to four years ago. The shots can cause you to ache but this time I wasn't having bone aches I was having intense sharp pain in my shoulder and neck. It was horrible and even the strongest of pain medications did nothing for me. Thanks to prayers and a preisthood blessing I am doing better now. I have chemo tomorrow and the following week I will have off. I will continue this cycle until we see if it is working or not. Thanks for all of the love and support. I am sorry it took so long to update.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Chemo Again

I had my appointment with my oncologist and I will be starting chemo again on August 11th. I will be trying a chemo drug that I have never had before. I am not supposed to be as sick on it but who knows. I am doing fine with the news because I figured that was the next step. We have not told the kids yet so please don't ask me about chemo in front of them. We will tell them right before so they don't let their little minds worry any longer then necessary. I am feeling pretty good but I am ready to actively start fighting this cancer in my body. I will keep you posted on how treatments go.